Shezin Hussain
I graduated with an LL.M degree from Indiana University, Bloomington in 2019. This experience caused me to become interested in the field of privacy and security laws in the United States. My recent internship with Mankins Research Inc. provided me valuable experience in the field of privacy and security laws within the education, health, and financial sectors. Prior to pursuing my LL.M, I was a practicing lawyer in Sylhet District Court, Sylhet Bangladesh. I have litigated cases primarily in the areas of property and banking sectors. I am licensed to practice both in Sylhet District Court & High Court Division of Supreme Court in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Besides practicing law, I was also a visiting faculty member in the Department of Law and Justice at Metropolitan University, Sylhet Bangladesh. Upon receiving training as a Political Trainer/Fellow with Democracy International (a USAID Funded NGO), I trained youth and women leaders at a grassroots level about party constitution, prevention of political violence, and election campaigning. I also networked with political stakeholders and worked to provide advocacy and media training.
Ph.D. in Information, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL (in progress)
LL.M (in Information Privacy and Cybersecurity), Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
LL.M, Southeast University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
B.A. LL.B (Honors), West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Major- Law
Research Interests:
My research interests focus on information privacy and security in smart cities with an emphasis on policy legislation and implementation.